Back to school basics!

There’s nothing like the feel of a new pen gliding along the first page of a fresh notebook to get you in the back-to-school spirit. The feeling of optimism that this year, you’ll stay on top of your assignments and not pull any all-nighters. The excitement in the air as you catch up with your old friends and make new ones. 

Are you ready for a new school year to start or are you trying to hold on to every last minute of summer? I was always the kid ready for school to start, giddy with excitement. In reminiscing about back-to-school seasons of past years, I wanted to give you a few mental health tips to get your school year off right! 

Be prepared 

Just like the scouts say, be ready to go when that way-too-early alarm goes off the first day of school. Have your backpack/bag packed the night before, lay out your clothes, and make sure you have food for breakfast and/or lunch packed or you know what on-campus options you have. 

Take a deep breath

I can remember the feeling of my shoulders creeping up to my ears by the end of syllabi week in school. Remember to slow down and take a deep breath. There will be a lot to do AND you don’t have to get it all done now. Practice mindfulness techniques daily to help stay grounded and present. 

BE you

There can be a lot of pressure to “reinvent” yourself every school year. New year, new me am I right? No. You don’t have to be anyone but yourself. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Participate in the sports/activities that bring you joy. Find what your priorities and goals are and work towards those, not what others think you should do.

Ask for help

We all need help from time to time. If you have a class you’re nervous about, talk to your teacher/professor early in the semester for extra guidance on how to succeed or find your school’s tutoring/learning center. If you’re worried about your mental health, most schools have on-campus counseling or at least referral information. 

Have fun! 

School is important, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Your academics are worthy of lots of effort AND there are other benefits to school that’s worthy of time too. It can be a great opportunity to make lasting memories, build relationships, and learn a lot!

1999 Jenny in her school photo cheering you on this school year!


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